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M30, DAC-Medium voltage cable test set 

Test equipment for commissioning testing, diagnostic measurement and monitoring

The theme of monitoring and surveillanceof substations, transformers, and cable lines in the field of high voltage technology is becoming increasingly more important. We rely on the latest findings in applied research when it comes to the development of our product line. For highly diverse applications, we developed specific solutions and sensors with e.g. UHF-technology (Ultra High Frequency) and implemented analysis algorithms. Our technology is easy to integrate and delivers reliable data, such as the partial discharge data of your operational equipment. Recording devices for continuous detection (PD-Care) with integrated data analysis complete our product line. We offer DAC compact test systems for energy cable systems with integrated partial discharge measurement.



We put much effort into the development of our products to make them convenient to use and easy to transport (weight and size), while delivering a highly precise product in partial discharge measurement and location technology.

We always help to guide our customers’ use of our technology. ohv diagnostic has a primary goal to support our customer in a fast and efficient way with internationally known experts to tackle the complex challenges in the diagnostic field. We combine service, diagnostic technology and the know-how of our experts to benefit you. Further details of our products may be obtained from the product data sheets.


M30 DAC-Medium voltage cable test set.

Designed by PD Technologies Ltd., All rights reserved.

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